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Protect Your Organization with Advanced Oracle Cloud Security and Compliance


Protect Your Organization with Advanced Oracle Cloud Security and Compliance

Protect Your Organization with Advanced Oracle Security and Compliance

Protecting your customer’s information starts with highly secure environments and structured compliance requirements. See how the Oracle Certified experts at SoftArt Solutions can help.  

Security and compliance are far more than mere buzzwords — they are the hallmarks of a genuinely prepared organization. They can signal extreme danger if they are neglected for critical databases and other systems. With proactive monitoring and regular health checks, your systems can maintain a high level of availability while mitigating the possibility of a cybersecurity incident. The Certified Oracle professionals at SoftArt Solutions excel at proactively detecting and resolving potential database problems before they can affect the operations of your databases, preventing downtime smoothing the flow of operations throughout your organization. From Oracle’s advanced Data Encryption and Advanced Security features to firewalls and activity monitoring, Oracle Cloud Solutions are engineered for security and stability.

Comprehensive Oracle Database Security Solutions

One of the critical factors involved in providing a secure and compliant applications infrastructure is through the regular application of patches and software upgrades. Without these critical updates, it can be all too easy for cybercriminals or even internal threat vectors to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information being stored within your Oracle databases. Fortunately, the team at SoftArt Solutions has the expertise required to perform zero-downtime upgrades using a combination of solutions combined with our experience in query design. We help ensure that your applications are running fluidly and are fine-tuned for performance excellence throughout the upgrade process. Hence, you are never without a high degree of security for your vital business applications.

High Availability, Scalability and Disaster Recovery

Compliance requirements often include standards around business continuity and disaster recovery — what happens when your company experiences a data breach, cybersecurity incident, or natural disaster. Protecting the confidential personal information of your customers and the intellectual property of your business that are stored within your Oracle databases requires ensuring that you have a high availability environment with robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions in place. The Certified Oracle Champions at SoftArt Solutions has an average of 15 years of real-world experience helping organizations of all sizes create a comprehensive approach to security and compliance that accounts for even the most complex scenarios as found in the life sciences and financial services sectors.

Maintaining Security Measures with Oracle Sentri

Endowed with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Oracle’s Sentri solution actively monitors your Oracle database and ruleset to detect violations by managing ongoing activities such as task delegation, access requests, and access certifications. Each interaction between your ruleset and external elements such as users, APIs, and other databases are looking for unusual transactions that are outside the set parameters for your business. With automated access verification rulesets, Oracle Sentri is continually combing through each interaction, upholding security policies, and ensuring that all audit and compliance requirements are captured and preserved for the future. By maintaining a Segregation of Duty (SoD), Oracle EBS Cloud solutions can pinpoint potential security violations and prevent improper system access while still allowing for ease of integration with external applications.

Protecting your organization requires a distinct focus on data security and systems compliance, including user management and data storage. When you work with the Oracle security experts at SoftArt Solutions, you can be confident that the recommendations you receive will help reduce overall risk for your organization while also helping to smooth out any operational inconsistencies. Maintaining compliance includes being able to account for all relevant changes to your systems, and our Oracle experts have real-world experience protecting organizations of all sizes in even the most highly-regulated healthcare and financial services environments. Contact the SoftArt Solutions team of experts at 866-477-4435 to schedule your free initial consultation and learn more about how our security and compliance solutions will help protect your organization from the hefty fines and negative publicity that can come with significant data breaches or cybersecurity incidents.

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