Global BFSI Company Case Study

Global BFSI Company


Global BFSI Company


CRM Migration from Oracle Legacy Systems to Microsoft Dynamics 365


The Client is a global BSFI company which supports banks & financial institutions across in India, Asia and North America. They offer digital platforms and solutions for business process solutions in Banking, Cards, Mortgage Lending, Title Tax & Settlement and Insurance.

They were using Oracle as their primary CRM solution with an unorganized UI. Less flexibility of dynamic fields, customizations, dashboards and dynamic reporting were not available in their existing legacy systems.

Data discrepancies, data management, communication, collaboration challenges, the lack of reporting and a central trackable dashboard were the core problems.


  • Manual tracking of revenue opportunities and existing CRM
  • Manual Efforts for Data Collection and Data Management
  • Manual Goal Management, Revenue Forecasting and Calculating
  • Commissions
  • Inefficient Sales Cycle
  • Complicated and hard-to-use UI of legacy CRM system


To solve the challenges, help clients achieve their goals, and boost the overall productivity, SoftArt worked closely with the Management teams to create a blueprint and moved the CRM from Oracle to Microsoft Dynamics 365.

We proposed and implemented:

  • Advanced modules with a much easier to use UI
  • Dashboard and reports, which helped the client track and manage opportunities and revenue
  • Automated sales pipeline reports, which previously took a week of manual work
  • Automated forecasting and goals management for each team

The management now has complete visibility of the sales cycle, team productivity, forecast revenues and goals with most of their processes automated. In addition, they are also able to access data analytics to find new opportunities.



Automated 72% of manual tasks

Streamlined team collaboration led to 64% boost in overall productivity

Project completed in a time period shorter than initial estimates: 90 Days