Technology is now becoming the holy grail of businesses. Even the brick and mortar stores are turning to technological solutions to scale their businesses. The integration of advanced software and tools is where innovation meets entrepreneurship.

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you might be asking yourself, “What tech solutions can help streamline my operations?” Well, NetSuite can be your partner. NetSuite is a powerful cloud-based software solution that can manage all aspects of your business. But before we delve into the nitty-gritty, let’s first answer the question,

What is NetSuite?


Picture a comprehensive business suite that integrates all your business functions – from finance, sales, and customer service to inventory and order management. That’s NetSuite for you!

It’s essentially a one-stop-shop for all your business operations, designed to streamline processes and improve efficiency. Predominantly designed for small to medium-sized businesses, NetSuite is a scalable solution that grows with your business, accommodating your changing needs and demands.

Benefits of NetSuite for Small and Medium-sized Businesses

NetSuite is a comprehensive cloud-based business management software that offers numerous benefits for both small and medium-sized businesses. Here are the key advantages of NetSuite for small and medium-sized businesses, specifically in the areas of accounting software and services:


Since yours is a growing business, you need software that grows with you. Whether you’re a small business looking to expand or a medium-sized business aiming for further growth, NetSuite offers a flexible platform that can accommodate your changing needs. It provides a scalable solution that can handle increasing transaction volumes, expanding product lines, and additional users without the need for significant hardware or software investments.

Integrated Suite

NetSuite combines various core business functions into a single, unified system. It integrates accounting, financial management, inventory management, order management, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), e-commerce, and more. This integration streamlines operations, eliminates data silos, and enables seamless flow of information across departments, resulting in improved efficiency, productivity, and decision-making.

Financial Management

Finances are the first thing that you need to manage when you have a small or medium sized business. With NetSuite’s Implementation, you can cater to the specific needs of small and medium-sized businesses. It provides features like general ledger, accounts receivable and payable, financial reporting and analysis, fixed assets management, budgeting and forecasting, cash flow management, and multi-currency support. These features enable businesses to maintain accurate financial records, track expenses, handle invoicing and payments efficiently, and gain insights into financial performance.

Real-time Visibility

One of the major NetSuite benefits for small businesses is that it offers real-time visibility into key business metrics, allowing small and medium-sized businesses to monitor their performance and make data-driven decisions. With customizable dashboards, reports, and analytics, users can access information on sales, inventory, cash flow, customer behavior, and more, empowering them to identify trends, address issues, and seize opportunities in a timely manner.

Automation and Efficiency

NetSuite automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks, reducing manual errors and freeing up resources for more strategic activities. It streamlines processes such as financial close, order fulfillment, inventory management, and procurement, leading to improved operational efficiency. Additionally, NetSuite’s workflow management capabilities enable businesses to define and enforce standardized processes, ensuring consistency and compliance across the organization.

Mobility and Accessibility

As a cloud-based solution, NetSuite offers anytime, anywhere access to business data. This mobility allows small and medium-sized businesses to stay connected and make informed decisions even when they are on the go. Users can access NetSuite through web browsers or mobile apps, enabling them to manage critical tasks, collaborate with colleagues, and respond to customer needs from any location with an internet connection.

Cost Savings

NetSuite for medium businesses is the best option if you want to eliminate the need for on-premises servers, IT infrastructure, and software maintenance costs. With a subscription-based pricing model, small and medium-sized businesses can avoid upfront capital expenditures and benefit from predictable monthly expenses. Furthermore, by automating processes and improving efficiency, NetSuite helps reduce operational costs and optimize resource utilization.

NetSuite Accounting Software: An Overview


For small and medium-sized businesses, keeping track of finances can be a headache. That’s where NetSuite accounting software comes in. It’s a complete solution that can handle everything from accounting and financial planning to billing and revenue recognition.

At its core, the software offers robust financial management. This includes general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, and cash management. Beyond this, it provides sophisticated revenue management and billing solutions. It can also handle budgeting, planning, and financial reporting.

What sets NetSuite accounting software apart is its flexibility and convenience. You can customize it to fit your business needs, and access it from anywhere, at any time – all you need is an internet connection.


Empower Businesses for Success and Discover the power of a unified business management solution. Connect with us today.

The Advantage of NetSuite Accounting Services

But the benefits of NetSuite don’t end with its software. NetSuite accounting services offer a host of advantages for small and medium businesses. One of the key benefits is its ability to streamline and automate financial processes. This can significantly reduce manual tasks, thereby saving time and reducing errors.

NetSuite accounting services can also provide real-time financial analysis. This means you have access to up-to-date financial data, helping you make informed decisions. And with its centralized data management, you can ensure data consistency and accuracy.

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of NetSuite accounting services is its scalability. As your business grows, your financial needs change. And NetSuite accounting services can adapt to these changes, providing a flexible and scalable solution that grows with your business.

NetSuite Implementation for your Business

Implementing NetSuite into your business might seem like a daunting task. But with the right approach, it can be a smooth and seamless process. The first step is understanding your business needs and how NetSuite can meet them. This includes evaluating your current systems and processes, and identifying areas for improvement.

The next step is planning and executing the implementation. This involves configuring the software, migrating data, integrating with existing systems, and training your team. It’s important to have a dedicated project team to oversee the implementation and ensure everything goes smoothly.

After the implementation, it’s crucial to monitor and optimize the system. This includes evaluating its performance, troubleshooting any issues, and making necessary adjustments. The goal is to ensure that NetSuite is delivering the desired benefits and helping your business thrive.

Conclusion: Is NetSuite Right for your Business?

So, is NetSuite the right choice for your small or medium-sized business? If you’re looking for a comprehensive, scalable, and efficient business management solution, then the answer is a resounding yes. With its powerful features and numerous benefits, NetSuite can help streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth.

With over 18,000 satisfied customers spanning across 200 countries and territories, NetSuite is trusted by renowned brands worldwide to streamline their financial and operational processes in the cloud.

NetSuite offers a comprehensive range of cloud-based solutions including financials, CRM, ecommerce, HCM, and professional services automation management. These powerful tools cater to organizations of all sizes, from rapidly expanding midsize companies to large global enterprises.

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of NetSuite with a trusted ERP provider, SoftArt. With 20 years of experience, we have helped various organizations in scaling their business with the right ERP solution.

As you navigate the complex and often challenging world of business, it’s crucial to align your operations with the right technology.

Step into the world of unlimited possibilities as we unlock the potential of your small or medium-sized business with Oracle NetSuite. This game-changing ERP solution is the ultimate key to unleashing growth, efficiency, and success. Forget about the days of juggling multiple systems, drowning in spreadsheets, and battling with disorganized processes. Oracle NetSuite swoops in like a suave superhero, armed with the power to streamline your operations, supercharge your productivity, and skyrocket your profitability.

Say goodbye to the tedious, mundane tasks that hold your business back and say hello to immense benefits of Implementing Oracle NetSuite and intuitive workflows that will make you stand out from your competitors. With Oracle NetSuite, you’ll have the agility of a gazelle, the precision of a Swiss watch, and the strategic vision of a master chess player. It’s time to revolutionize the way you do business and embark on an extraordinary journey towards success.

Introduction to Oracle NetSuite

You’ve probably heard of Oracle NetSuite, but do you really know what it is?

Oracle NetSuite is a unified business management suite that encompasses ERP, CRM, and ecommerce. It’s a cloud-based solution, which means you can access your data and run your business from anywhere, at any time. With a broad range of functionalities, Oracle NetSuite is designed to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes, including small and medium-sized businesses.

When you’re running a small or medium-sized business, you need a solution that’s robust enough to manage all of your business processes, yet flexible enough to grow with you. That’s where Oracle NetSuite for small business comes in. With its comprehensive features and customizable options, Oracle NetSuite allows you to streamline your operations, improve your decision-making, and ultimately drive your business growth.

Understanding the Needs of Small and Medium-sized Businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are not just smaller versions of large companies. They have unique needs and face distinctive challenges. For instance, SMBs often need to do more with less, operating with limited resources while striving to grow and compete in the market. Additionally, SMBs may lack the in-house IT expertise that larger companies possess, making it more challenging to implement and manage sophisticated software solutions.

Another significant challenge for SMBs is the need to rapidly adapt and respond to changes in the market. This requires a flexible and agile business management solution – one that can easily scale and evolve with the business. Oracle NetSuite, with its cloud-based architecture and broad range of functionalities, can meet these needs and help SMBs overcome their unique challenges.

Benefits of Implementing Oracle NetSuite

As an expert ERP provider, we understand the challenges faced by businesses in streamlining their processes and achieving optimal efficiency. That’s why we highly recommend implementing Oracle NetSuite, the leading ERP solution that can truly transform your operations.

Let’s dive into the key benefits of Implementing Oracle NetSuite to your small business.

Streamlined Processes

Oracle NetSuite simplifies and automates your business processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing human errors. From order management to financials, inventory control to procurement, NetSuite ensures streamlined operations, freeing up valuable time and resources.

Enhanced Visibility and Insights

Gain real-time visibility into your business with comprehensive reporting and analytics. Oracle NetSuite provides detailed insights into your performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and seize opportunities for growth.

Scalability for Growth

As your business expands, Oracle NetSuite scales effortlessly to accommodate your needs. Whether you open new locations, enter new markets, or diversify your product offerings, NetSuite grows with you, providing a flexible and future-proof solution.

Improved Collaboration

Break down silos and foster collaboration across departments and teams. Oracle NetSuite brings everyone on the same page with a centralized platform, enabling seamless communication, data sharing, and collaborative workflows for better productivity.

Customization and Configuration

Tailor Oracle NetSuite to fit your unique business requirements. As an expert ERP provider, we can help you customize and configure NetSuite to align perfectly with your processes, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Cost Savings and ROI

With Oracle NetSuite integration, you can significantly reduce IT infrastructure costs and maintenance expenses. The cloud-based nature of NetSuite eliminates the need for costly hardware and software updates, while also providing a scalable solution that grows with your business, maximizing your return on investment.

Superior Customer Experience

Oracle NetSuite centralizes customer data, enabling you to deliver personalized and exceptional customer experiences. Gain a 360-degree view of your customers, track interactions, and provide timely support, ultimately fostering long-term loyalty and satisfaction.

As your trusted ERP provider, we are here to guide you through the implementation process and ensure a seamless transition to Oracle NetSuite. Experience the transformative power of this industry-leading ERP solution and unlock the full potential of your business.

Key Oracle NetSuite Integrations for Small and Medium Businesses

Oracle NetSuite integrates seamlessly with a wide range of other software solutions, enhancing its functionality and versatility. One of the main benefits of Implementing Oracle NetSuite is that you can integrate Oracle NetSuite with your existing CRM system, allowing you to manage your customer relationships more effectively. You can also integrate Oracle NetSuite with your ecommerce platform, enabling you to run your online store more efficiently.

Moreover, Oracle NetSuite offers numerous integrations with popular third-party applications, such as Salesforce, Shopify, and Microsoft Office 365. These integrations allow you to extend the capabilities of Oracle NetSuite and tailor it to your specific business needs. Whether you want to improve your sales process, streamline your supply chain, or enhance your customer service, you can do it with Oracle NetSuite integrations.

Finding the Right Oracle NetSuite Partners

Choosing the right Oracle NetSuite partners is crucial to your implementation success. The right partners can provide the expertise and support you need to maximize the benefits of Oracle NetSuite. When selecting Oracle NetSuite partners, consider their experience and expertise with Oracle NetSuite, their understanding of your industry and business, and their ability to provide ongoing support and services.

Additionally, look for Oracle NetSuite partners who can offer additional resources and services, such as training, consulting, and technical support. These services can help you get the most out of your Oracle NetSuite investment and ensure your implementation success.

Take Home Message

In conclusion, Oracle NetSuite offers a powerful, flexible, and scalable solution for small and medium-sized businesses.An Oracle strategic partner knows your business and your technology. By supplementing your internal IT team, a strategic partner understands your technology stack, the vendors you use and the technological changes necessary to keep your business running efficiently. SoftArt can help with implementation, integration and licensing of Oracle NetSuite for medium business and small business making everything a breeze.

So why wait? Take the first step in transforming your business today with us. SoftArt specializes in Oracle solutions and other ERP partnerships that can streamline your businesses and unlock efficiency.

Exploring Dynamics 365 Business Central: ERP for Small and Midsize Businesses

The world of Dynamics 365 Business Central – a game-changing enterprise resource planning (ERP) system designed to streamline your small or medium-sized business operations. Imagine having the ability to unify your business processes with a single solution that brings together financials, sales, service, and operations. Sounds exciting, right? This is exactly what Dynamics 365 Business Central offers.

The beauty of Dynamics 365 Business Central is its flexibility. It can be customized to fit your unique business requirements, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of industries. Furthermore, it’s cloud-based, meaning you can access your business data anytime, anywhere. No more being tied to your office desk!

Before we delve deeper into the intricacies of Dynamics 365 Business Central, let’s understand what ERP is and why it’s relevant for businesses.

What is ERP And Its Relevance for Businesses?

You might have heard the term ERP thrown around in business circles. But what exactly is it? ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It’s a type of software that helps companies manage and integrate their core business processes such as finance, inventory management, and human resources.

ERP is not just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool that can give your business a competitive edge. It can help you streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and make better business decisions. A well-implemented ERP system can be a game-changer for your business, especially if you’re a small or medium-sized business looking to scale.

The Importance of ERP for Small and Medium Businesses

As a small or medium business owner, you might think that ERP systems are only for large corporations. But that’s a myth. ERP systems like Dynamics 365 Business Central are designed to cater to businesses of all sizes. They can provide you with the tools and insights you need to compete with larger enterprises.

For example, an ERP system can help you manage your finances more effectively. It can provide you with real-time financial data, which can help you make informed business decisions. It can also automate tedious administrative tasks, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business.

Moreover, an ERP system can provide you with a unified view of your business. It can integrate data from different departments, providing you with a holistic view of your operations. This can help you identify bottlenecks, streamline your processes, and improve your overall efficiency.

Overview of Dynamics 365 Business Central Features

Now that we’ve established the importance of an ERP system for small and medium businesses, let’s delve deeper into the features of Dynamics 365 Business Central – our ERP of choice.

Dynamics 365 Business Central comes packed with a plethora of features designed to make your business operations smoother and more efficient. Some of its key features include:

These are just a few of the many features that Dynamics 365 Business Central offers. The beauty of this ERP system is its flexibility – it can be customized to fit your unique business needs.

Dynamics 365 Business Central: The ideal ERP for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner looking for an ERP system, look no further than Dynamics 365 Business Central. This ERP system is designed with small businesses in mind. It offers a range of features that can help you streamline your operations, improve your efficiency, and grow your business.

For example, Dynamics 365 Business Central’s financial management feature can help you manage your finances more effectively. It can provide you with real-time financial data, which can help you make informed business decisions. Moreover, its supply chain management feature can help you optimize your inventory, improve your planning, and increase your profitability.

But the benefits of Dynamics 365 Business Central for small businesses don’t stop there. It’s also easy to implement and use. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive support make it a great choice for businesses with limited IT resources.

Dynamics 365 Business Central: The Perfect ERP for Midsize Businesses

Dynamics 365 Business Central is not just for small businesses. It’s also a perfect fit for midsize businesses. If you’re a midsize business owner looking to scale your operations, Dynamics 365 Business Central can provide you with the tools and insights you need.

For example, its project management feature can help you manage your projects more effectively. It can provide you with real-time data on your project progress, which can help you make informed decisions. Moreover, its sales and service management feature can help you manage your sales, service contracts, and field service.

Moreover, Dynamics 365 Business Central is scalable. It can grow with your business, ensuring that you always have the right tools at your disposal. Its cloud-based nature means that you can access your business data anytime, anywhere, providing you with the flexibility you need to run your business efficiently.

How to Implement Dynamics 365 Business Central in Your Business?

Implementing an ERP system like Dynamics 365 Business Central in your business might seem like a daunting task. But with the right approach, it can be a smooth and seamless process. Here are some steps you can follow:

Define Your Objectives

Clearly identify your business goals and the specific areas where you want to improve or streamline operations using Dynamics 365 Business Central. This will help you set expectations and focus on the right functionalities during implementation.

Plan and Prepare

Create a detailed implementation plan that outlines tasks, timelines, and resource requirements. Allocate a dedicated implementation team or partner with a certified Dynamics 365 Business Central consultant to guide you through the process. Prepare your data by cleaning and organizing it for migration.

Configuration and Customization

Set up the core functionalities of Dynamics 365 Business Central to align with your business processes. Customize the solution by defining a chart of accounts, setting up financial dimensions, creating custom fields, and configuring workflows to match your unique requirements.

Data Migration

Migrate your existing data from legacy systems or spreadsheets to Dynamics 365 Business Central. Validate and clean the data to ensure accuracy. Consider working with a data migration specialist to handle this critical step.

User Training

Provide comprehensive training to your employees to familiarize them with the features and functionality of Dynamics 365 Business Central. This will empower them to effectively utilize the system and maximize its benefits.

Integration and Extensions

Integrate Dynamics 365 Business Central with other applications or systems used in your business, such as CRM software, productivity tools, or third-party solutions. Leverage the available extensions and connectors to enhance functionality and streamline processes.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Conduct thorough testing to ensure that Dynamics 365 Business Central is functioning correctly and meeting your business requirements. Identify and address any issues or bugs during this stage.

Go-Live and Post-Implementation Support

When you’re confident that the system is ready, schedule the go-live date for your business. Provide ongoing support and address user queries or concerns. Continuously monitor the system’s performance and conduct regular reviews to identify areas for improvement.

Comparison of Dynamics 365 Business Central with Other ERP Solutions

Feature Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP Solution A ERP Solution B
Target Market Small and Midsize Businesses Large Enterprises Small Businesses
Scalability Highly scalable Scalability options Limited scalability
Deployment Options Cloud-based, On-premises On-premises Cloud-based, On-premises
Customization Extensive customization options Customization options Limited customization options
Integration Capabilities Native integration with other Microsoft solutions Integration options Limited integration options
Industry-specific Functionality Broad range of industry-specific features Limited industry-specific functionality Limited industry-specific functionality
Pricing Model Subscription-based Licensing Subscription-based
User-Friendly Interface Intuitive and user-friendly Varied user experience User-friendly but may require training
Support and Updates Regular updates and support Varied support options Varied support options

Get the Best Dynamic 365 Support

Implementing Dynamics 365 Business Central can be a game-changer for small and midsize businesses seeking a robust ERP solution. However, to truly maximize the benefits of this powerful platform, it’s essential to have reliable support and guidance throughout your journey.

Partnering with SoftArt, a trusted Dynamics 365 support provider can ensure a smooth implementation, efficient customization, and ongoing support for your Business Central system. We possess the expertise and experience of 20 years to tailor the solution to your specific business needs, address any challenges that may arise, and help you make the most of the platform’s capabilities.

Whether you require assistance with initial setup, data migration, user training, or ongoing maintenance, we can help you with all of it. Empower your business with the best support and propel your growth with Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Boost Productivity for Remote Workers with Professional Oracle Support

With no end in sight, IT teams are hunkering down to ride out the coronavirus crisis while attempting to support a newly-remote workforce.  

Unsurprisingly, many technology and business leaders were caught unprepared for the widespread “work from home” orders trickling down from various government entities. Working from home is often considered the realm of two companies: startups or mega-tech giants such as Google and Facebook. Even Amazon has a primarily traditional workforce that reports into the office every day. Making the monumental shift from having the majority of workers — some sources say up to 70-80% of staff — inside the secure walls of your office to connecting via a sketchy home laptop with questionable internet strength has challenged the patience and technical savvy of IT professionals around the world. With remote work shifting from the exception to the norm for companies of all sizes, it’s up to enterprising IT staff to figure out how to ensure that connections to vital Oracle databases and other systems are stable, reliable and secure.

Remote Oracle Database and Solutions Support

In this environment, it’s not unusual for companies to need gap coverage solutions — an extra set of hands to perform the necessary functions that will keep your business operational during a time of high stress and lowered capacity. Everything from troubleshooting live applications to ensuring loads are fully balanced and data is accessible can help take the pressure off of overloaded internal IT teams that may still be struggling to deploy security and hardware packages to remote staff members. Health checks, patches, proactive monitoring and security or compliance are all critical considerations in a world that seems to be changing every week. New legislation and compliance requirements, as well as the shift in working conditions, can require quick changes within your Oracle systems that would be difficult to implement utilizing only internal resources.

Protect Against Stress Fractures in Your Infrastructure

When you suddenly shift from having a few remote staff members to dozens, hundreds or even thousands, there is a whole different level of stress on your sensitive infrastructure and operations. In this emergency work from home situation, it can be challenging to scale up solutions to meet the rising demand quickly. While some companies have the tools in place for a short-term boost to their network, these solutions may be more expensive than expected and incur overages or lower levels of support. Re-negotiating contracts with partners can take time, but your customers are the ones that are suffering — along with the productivity rates within your organization. Help even the load and ensure that you can offer consistent and reliable access to vital Oracle databases and applications by working with a local Oracle support specialist.

Finding the right support for Oracle solutions in your area doesn’t have to be overwhelming. When you work with the friendly and proactive professionals at SoftArt Solutions, you can be confident that you’re gaining access to over 15 years of experience in providing exceptional client support for Oracle solutions. Our team works with a wide range of industries and company sizes, offering unique Oracle support packages and best-in-class Oracle solutions experts. Contact the SoftArt Solutions team at 866-477-4435 or schedule your complimentary initial consultation online by filling out our quick form. We are actively supporting companies that are being forced to shift their working model from local to remote and our teams are well-equipped to help your company overcome these challenges together.

How to Protect Your Organization From Oracle Security Issues

Look at how businesses use Oracle ERP and Oracle EBS. Learn about security concerns with these Oracle applications. Find out how an Oracle consulting firm can help. 

If you use Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS), Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), or other Oracle products, you need to consider the security issues related to these suites of applications.

Oracle security can be challenging, and to protect your business, you may want to work with an Oracle consulting firm that can provide the expertise your business needs. Some of the most critical issues around this technology include the following:

Looking at Oracle EBS

Oracle EBS contains a suite of tools that help businesses across multiple industries run countless aspects of their businesses. These applications include the following:

Similarly, Oracle ERP contains a suite of applications that also help businesses manage day-to-day activities such as accounting, project management, risk management, compliance issues, supply chains, and more. The ERP software helps companies plan, budget, and create reports on their financial situation.

Oracle also creates industry-specific solutions that can help create configured business processes.

Security Issues for On-Premises Oracle EBS

While many applications are moving to the cloud, Oracle has not prioritized that shift for its EBS applications. For businesses heavily invested in on-premise Oracle EBS, this decision is good news. You don’t have to worry about losing capabilities or changing processes. The company is committed to providing premium support through at least 2030.

In particular, manufacturing companies that use Oracle EBS and its manufacturing modules are not likely to access these programs through the cloud. Oracle does not yet offer software as a service (SaaS) for the manufacturing industry. As a result, these companies have to pay special attention to the risks and security issues related to on-premises applications.

If you are using Oracle applications that are integral to your business, you know how customizable and sophisticated these programs can be. And if they’re not functioning correctly, you may not be able to handle core business activities or workflows.

Protecting Yourself From Internal Fraud

In contrast, the Oracle ERP system is based in the cloud. By extension, businesses may need to adopt different security measures for these applications than they do for Oracle EBS.

On average, organizations lose 5% of their annual revenue to fraud, and a lot of that occurs internally. If you have your financials flowing through your ERP system, as many organizations do, you need to set up limited access for critical employees and lock your configuration settings. Then, you need to continuously monitor these settings to ensure your network is as safe as possible from both internal and external threats.

The Importance of Patching

Regardless of which Oracle solutions you’re using in your organization, you need to pay attention to the importance of patching. Patching finds vulnerabilities in your system and repairs them, helping to reduce the risk of attacks. Ideally, you should not wait for problems to surface before you start patching. Instead, you should consider automated patching.

The right Oracle applications can drive the success of your business by supporting core activities, streamlining workflows, and keeping data organized. Still, vulnerabilities can make you susceptible to attacks that may cost you money, compromise the productivity of your business, and wreak havoc on your reputation.

To ensure you’re making the most of your Oracle tools and to check on the security of your IT environment, contact us today. At SoftArt Solutions, we are a leading Oracle consulting firm based in New Jersey and servicing clients around the country. Whether you’re a big or small enterprise, if you use Oracle, we can help.

Use An Oracle Strategic Partner to Boost Your Business

Leverage complex Oracle projects and optimize your business outcomes with the help of a strategic Oracle technology solution partner such as SoftArt Solutions.

Your business relies on countless technical solutions — software, hardware, servers, specialized machines and tools — to get work done.

That means dealing with technical updates, modifications and issues that arise. It means making sure systems remain integrated once updates are made to one part of your technology solution. It means making sure that any customizations remain working once some component changes.

If your company relies on Oracle technology, you need a strategic partner that helps you at every stage, from selection and implementation to optimization and security.

What Can Oracle Partners Do for Our Business?

Imagine you use Oracle products in your business and your technical team comes across the following article about not using cylinder 0 of a disk to create raw partitions. It’s a complicated technical matter and the article warns about the dangers and confusion of attempting this work, using supplied manuals and third-party sources and the risks of not following the advice.

However, if your internal IT team is not up to speed on the technology, you can find your company spending lots of time and money to ensure that your procedures and technology are correct.

Instead, consider what having a partner that specializes in Oracle can offer. An Oracle strategic partner knows your business and your technology. By supplementing your internal IT team, a strategic partner understands your technology stack, the vendors you use and the technological changes necessary to keep your business running efficiently. You could pay for an outside technology engineer to wrestle your disk partition issue … or call on your virtual CIO partner to help.

What Are the Advantages of Using an Oracle Solutions Provider?

When you use an Oracle solutions provider, you engage with one third-party vendor to manage your technology with a customized solution designed to meet your business needs. It’s a one-stop technology provider focused on your business success. For example, at SoftArt, we offer several Oracle support packages related to upgrades, business continuity and disaster recovery, migrations and automation.

Here are some of the significant advantages of using an Oracle partner:

Who Can Help Us With Oracle Solutions?

SoftArt specializes in Oracle solutions. Turn to SoftArt for Oracle E-Business Suite, GRC implementations, high-availability databases and Fusion Middleware solutions. To learn more, contact us today.

5 Top Tips to Make Sure Your Oracle Application is Secure

Data breaches are scary and can easily cost your company millions of dollars. Here are five of our team’s top tips to make sure your application is secure.  

For most companies, the idea of a data breach is more than just a little frightening—it’s downright terrifying. According to IBM, the average cost of dealing with one rose to a whopping $3.92 million. And that figure doesn’t even take into account the reputation damage and loss of future business.

Thankfully, there are numerous steps you can take to prevent this type of issue from happening to you. Here are five of our top tips to make sure your application is secure.

Tip #1: Have a Solid Plan

The first thing you need to do to ensure your application is secure is to have a solid plan. Decide how your team needs to keep data safe and take steps to put these protocols in place. This might take a bit of brainstorming as to how industry standard regulations best fit into your overall picture, but in the end, protecting your systems is vital.

And, if your team isn’t up to standard in terms of knowledge in making this happen, make sure to build in time for education. The absolute worst thing you can do is rush changes without understanding the more significant scope of why they matter.

Tip #2: Understand the Importance of Security Governance

It is also essential to understand the importance of security governance—i.e., the protocols you have in place and monitoring to help ensure goals are being met. After all, if you don’t have oversight on what you’re doing to protect data, you cannot make changes as needed or even prove that you’ve made an effort if an incident ever happens.

Common considerations that you need to pay attention to include:

You need to have a plan as to how you’re going to protect data and who is going to make sure these guidelines are being met for every possible scenario for your company.

Tip #3: Think Dynamically to Allow for Growth

You will also want to think dynamically to allow for growth. As you add more application users, your company grows, or basic protocols change, you need to be ready to make certain adjustments along the way.

One easy way to do this is to create automated maintenance processes. You should also avoid any sort of user specific security, instead opting for groups to make personnel or company dynamic changes a breeze.

Tip #4: Allow More Than One Person to Know Your Security Strategy

Another tip is to allow more than one person inside your organization to know your security strategy. While you don’t want to let all of your secrets out concerning your processes, it is essential to allow multiple people critical insight into your framework in case anyone ever leaves the company or is suddenly unable to work due to illness.

Choosing two or three people who are all on the same page isn’t breaking your security efforts. It is ensuring that the same processes continue to go on long after any personnel changes happen. It also means that there is always someone available in case of an emergency to help make sure things get back on track fast.

Tip #5: Make Sure to Test and Audit Your Process Periodically

You should also audit and test your process periodically. Testing before your application goes live and before any significant changes that affect security is more than just good sense. It can help keep a potential breach at bay and allow you to catch any potential problems before they go live. After launch, you will want to test often to help reveal any flaws or other issues.

Securing your application doesn’t have to be a complicated process. By keeping these top five tips in mind, you can rest assured that the risk of a data breach is minimal.

At SoftArt Solutions, we understand the importance of ensuring your application is secure and offer a wide range of services to suit your needs. Please contact us today for further information.

Protect Your Organization with Advanced Oracle Security and Compliance

Protecting your customer’s information starts with highly secure environments and structured compliance requirements. See how the Oracle Certified experts at SoftArt Solutions can help.  

Security and compliance are far more than mere buzzwords — they are the hallmarks of a genuinely prepared organization. They can signal extreme danger if they are neglected for critical databases and other systems. With proactive monitoring and regular health checks, your systems can maintain a high level of availability while mitigating the possibility of a cybersecurity incident. The Certified Oracle professionals at SoftArt Solutions excel at proactively detecting and resolving potential database problems before they can affect the operations of your databases, preventing downtime smoothing the flow of operations throughout your organization. From Oracle’s advanced Data Encryption and Advanced Security features to firewalls and activity monitoring, Oracle Cloud Solutions are engineered for security and stability.

Comprehensive Oracle Database Security Solutions

One of the critical factors involved in providing a secure and compliant applications infrastructure is through the regular application of patches and software upgrades. Without these critical updates, it can be all too easy for cybercriminals or even internal threat vectors to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information being stored within your Oracle databases. Fortunately, the team at SoftArt Solutions has the expertise required to perform zero-downtime upgrades using a combination of solutions combined with our experience in query design. We help ensure that your applications are running fluidly and are fine-tuned for performance excellence throughout the upgrade process. Hence, you are never without a high degree of security for your vital business applications.

High Availability, Scalability and Disaster Recovery

Compliance requirements often include standards around business continuity and disaster recovery — what happens when your company experiences a data breach, cybersecurity incident, or natural disaster. Protecting the confidential personal information of your customers and the intellectual property of your business that are stored within your Oracle databases requires ensuring that you have a high availability environment with robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions in place. The Certified Oracle Champions at SoftArt Solutions has an average of 15 years of real-world experience helping organizations of all sizes create a comprehensive approach to security and compliance that accounts for even the most complex scenarios as found in the life sciences and financial services sectors.

Maintaining Security Measures with Oracle Sentri

Endowed with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Oracle’s Sentri solution actively monitors your Oracle database and ruleset to detect violations by managing ongoing activities such as task delegation, access requests, and access certifications. Each interaction between your ruleset and external elements such as users, APIs, and other databases are looking for unusual transactions that are outside the set parameters for your business. With automated access verification rulesets, Oracle Sentri is continually combing through each interaction, upholding security policies, and ensuring that all audit and compliance requirements are captured and preserved for the future. By maintaining a Segregation of Duty (SoD), Oracle EBS Cloud solutions can pinpoint potential security violations and prevent improper system access while still allowing for ease of integration with external applications.

Protecting your organization requires a distinct focus on data security and systems compliance, including user management and data storage. When you work with the Oracle security experts at SoftArt Solutions, you can be confident that the recommendations you receive will help reduce overall risk for your organization while also helping to smooth out any operational inconsistencies. Maintaining compliance includes being able to account for all relevant changes to your systems, and our Oracle experts have real-world experience protecting organizations of all sizes in even the most highly-regulated healthcare and financial services environments. Contact the SoftArt Solutions team of experts at 866-477-4435 to schedule your free initial consultation and learn more about how our security and compliance solutions will help protect your organization from the hefty fines and negative publicity that can come with significant data breaches or cybersecurity incidents.

5 Ways Oracle DBA Outsourcing Can Benefit Your Business

SoftArt Solutions discusses 5 benefits of outsourcing DBA tasks to a company providing fractional coverage to ensure database protection for corporations.  

Database administration (DBA) tasks consume vital time, money and human resources. To keep one running smoothly, it is important to have a full team of qualified technicians in a position to respond to database issues like human errors, cyberattacks and data breaches, power outages, database failure, and hardware breakdowns. While hiring a DBA may seem expensive, your database security is worth the investment to avoid the risk.

What Is Oracle DBA Outsourcing?

Outsourcing developed during the Industrial Revolution and became increasingly popular during the latter half of the 20th century. Business leaders began to see outsourcing as an invaluable tool to increase flexibility within the organization to allow for more core creativity and productivity. During the first two decades of the 21st century, the trend has gained more traction than ever. In 2018, for instance, the global market for outsourcing was worth $85.6 billion, according to Small Biz Genius.

The risk of a database failure and other problems with a database can result in one or a series of devastating impacts that include data breaches, operational losses, customer dissatisfaction, non-compliance fees, and penalties, and reputational damage. For this reason alone, businesses are increasingly reaching out to hire an outsourcing DBA. A third-party DBA allows your business to boost database security and reliability while devoting more time to core competencies.

Here are five ways outsourcing your DBA tasks can help your business flourish.

1. Handles Excess Work That Your Team Can’t

Databases have a tendency to become so complex that businesses need professional database capabilities. However, most organizations don’t need a full-time DBA. If your business is growing, and you find that your own database has grown beyond your current staffing capabilities, fractional coverage may solve your issues. With fractional DBA, you receive an allotted number of hours for work from a team of DBAs that have the precise expertise you need without hiring additional permanent staff members.

2. Saves a Lot of Money

The fact that you will not need to hire a new staff member automatically offers savings. However, you can enjoy more savings such as not adding operational and overhead costs. That means you do not need to invest in additional equipment and utilities used for new employees. The only new expenses incurred are those related to services rendered, and you can negotiate those fees with your third-party DBA.

3. Round-the-Clock Coverage That Includes Vacations and Holidays

With fractional DBA, you will not need to worry about annual competition for prime vacation and holiday leave among your in-house DBAs. A third-party DBA will cover nights, weekends, vacation time and holidays so your staff can have the time away from work they need to stay healthy, stress-free and happy. This benefit is important because one of the leading reasons that DBAs leave their positions is because of burnout. Reducing the burden on top talent helps foster well-being and less turnover.

4. Quick Response DBA Services

DBA outsourcing provides better system maintenance and customer service. With constant coverage from industry experts, you will experience fewer operational issues. Your fractional DBA team members are available to handle urgent issues like applying patches and responding to tickets or alerts.

5. Offers Access to DBA Experts and Specialists

Outsourcing DBA firms achieve and maintain contact with top experts and specialists in the industry. Any task you need your team to accomplish, your DBA contact can likely do. As fast-paced as technology moves today, it is sometimes difficult for your in-house team to keep up with the latest knowledge and skills needed for certain projects.

SoftArt Solutions follows best practices for Oracle Database Security on every implementation and project. Contact us for assistance with all Oracle Database tools. We are a trusted Oracle partner serving clients in New Jersey and throughout the United States.

Oracle ERP Provides Effective Security Best Practices And Protocols

Oracle ERP helps to establish effective best practices that work to keep your sensitive information as secure as possible. 

When it comes to cloud ERP and security best practices, you need to be on top of your game. Not managing your system properly can lead to data breaches and break downs that damage both your files as well as your reputation. Establishing best practices and security protocols prevents sensitive information from being stolen and used inappropriately. It will protect your reputation and allow your business to maintain its image as a leader in its field.

Immediate Installation of Software Updates

Allowing ERP providers to immediately install software updates and patches once they are identified is one of the most effective ways to keep your company’s sensitive information secure and protected. In the past, updates were sporadic at best, but now company’s have the option of installing them on their own or allowing ERP provides immediate access to install them as they become available.

Establish a Strategy for Both Governance and Security

With advancements in technology, it’s important that everyone in the company or organization be responsible for maintaining security protocols and best practices. With more people having access to sensitive information, it’s essential that they also be responsible for security protocols to ensure every step of the process is protected. With everyone having access to the right security protocols, the risk of a data breach is dramatically reduced.

Integration Protocols Must Be Secure

Even though customization is limited, Cloud ERP allows you to be more flexible when it comes to integrating several applications. This gives you an opportunity to build one, unified system in which you can secure information as it passes from one application to another. Cloud ERP reduces your overall vulnerability and strengthens encryptions so that it is harder for hackers to break in and damage your system.

IOT Security Must Be Guaranteed

IoT devices make other devices connected to the internet more vulnerable to cyberattacks. By installing a platform that manages the connections between IoT and other internet-enabled devices, you can further secure your information, limiting a hacker’s ability to gain access. Integrating both IoT and Cloud ERP adds a layer of security that protects your information as it travels from one destination to another, no matter what device is connected.

Evaluate Capabilities That Involve Disaster Recovery

It’s essential that you are able to restore your system if a breach does occur. Evaluating your disaster recovery services is essential if you want to ensure that you are fully protected if some type of loss occurs. You must have a Recovery Point in place as well as a pre-determined Recovery Time. Your recovery time will set the amount of time an application can be inactive before permanent damage occurs. The Recovery Point determines what information has been properly backed up and secured. This will set your “loss tolerance”.

Manage Your Global Access

When using an Oracle ERP, it’s essential that you be able to access your system on a global level. It’s also essential that you maintain direct control of who has access to your system and to what degree. When a centralized system is used, you are able to manage who has the security protocols to gain access. Individuals who are not authorized will have minimal if any, access. This protects your important data and minimizes the threat of a breach. Security protocols are put in place according to the individual’s need to know. Having authentication protocols in place will allow you to maintain access to your system from anywhere in the world, while still offering the highest level of security.

Your security best practices should be able to protect all aspects of your data, including your cloud ERP, IoT, and other systems that are connected by the internet. Understanding how cyberattacks occur and how hackers gain access to your information is important if you truly want to understand how to maintain a high level of security. Having this information also allows you to fine-tune your system and establish protocols that continue to work as long as the information moves from one destination to another.