Protect Your Organization with Advanced Oracle Security and Compliance

Protecting your customer’s information starts with highly secure environments and structured compliance requirements. See how the Oracle Certified experts at SoftArt Solutions can help.  

Security and compliance are far more than mere buzzwords — they are the hallmarks of a genuinely prepared organization. They can signal extreme danger if they are neglected for critical databases and other systems. With proactive monitoring and regular health checks, your systems can maintain a high level of availability while mitigating the possibility of a cybersecurity incident. The Certified Oracle professionals at SoftArt Solutions excel at proactively detecting and resolving potential database problems before they can affect the operations of your databases, preventing downtime smoothing the flow of operations throughout your organization. From Oracle’s advanced Data Encryption and Advanced Security features to firewalls and activity monitoring, Oracle Cloud Solutions are engineered for security and stability.

Comprehensive Oracle Database Security Solutions

One of the critical factors involved in providing a secure and compliant applications infrastructure is through the regular application of patches and software upgrades. Without these critical updates, it can be all too easy for cybercriminals or even internal threat vectors to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information being stored within your Oracle databases. Fortunately, the team at SoftArt Solutions has the expertise required to perform zero-downtime upgrades using a combination of solutions combined with our experience in query design. We help ensure that your applications are running fluidly and are fine-tuned for performance excellence throughout the upgrade process. Hence, you are never without a high degree of security for your vital business applications.

High Availability, Scalability and Disaster Recovery

Compliance requirements often include standards around business continuity and disaster recovery — what happens when your company experiences a data breach, cybersecurity incident, or natural disaster. Protecting the confidential personal information of your customers and the intellectual property of your business that are stored within your Oracle databases requires ensuring that you have a high availability environment with robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions in place. The Certified Oracle Champions at SoftArt Solutions has an average of 15 years of real-world experience helping organizations of all sizes create a comprehensive approach to security and compliance that accounts for even the most complex scenarios as found in the life sciences and financial services sectors.

Maintaining Security Measures with Oracle Sentri

Endowed with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Oracle’s Sentri solution actively monitors your Oracle database and ruleset to detect violations by managing ongoing activities such as task delegation, access requests, and access certifications. Each interaction between your ruleset and external elements such as users, APIs, and other databases are looking for unusual transactions that are outside the set parameters for your business. With automated access verification rulesets, Oracle Sentri is continually combing through each interaction, upholding security policies, and ensuring that all audit and compliance requirements are captured and preserved for the future. By maintaining a Segregation of Duty (SoD), Oracle EBS Cloud solutions can pinpoint potential security violations and prevent improper system access while still allowing for ease of integration with external applications.

Protecting your organization requires a distinct focus on data security and systems compliance, including user management and data storage. When you work with the Oracle security experts at SoftArt Solutions, you can be confident that the recommendations you receive will help reduce overall risk for your organization while also helping to smooth out any operational inconsistencies. Maintaining compliance includes being able to account for all relevant changes to your systems, and our Oracle experts have real-world experience protecting organizations of all sizes in even the most highly-regulated healthcare and financial services environments. Contact the SoftArt Solutions team of experts at 866-477-4435 to schedule your free initial consultation and learn more about how our security and compliance solutions will help protect your organization from the hefty fines and negative publicity that can come with significant data breaches or cybersecurity incidents.

Enterprise-Grade Security from Oracle’s New Key Vault 18.2

Centralized storage of encryption and other security solutions has never been more convenient than with Oracle’s upgraded Key Vault 18.2.

Managing a range of secure solutions has become increasingly complex in recent years, particularly as various solutions require added levels of security to meet stringent compliance and data security standards. With Oracle’s latest upgrade to their Key Vault, you gain access to a centralized location to maintain and manage Oracle Advanced Security Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) master keys, Java Keystores, credential files, Oracle Wallets and more. The enterprise-grade security that has been baked into the 18.2 version of Oracle’s Key Vault allows for high-availability environments, browser-based access management and allows an unprecedented level of access control policies related to server endpoints and secrets. Oracle engineers have increased their focus on making Oracle more approachable in a move to simplify security requirements and help organizations without on-staff experts take full advantage of the advanced security tools available from the robust Oracle platforms.

Secure, Available and Scalable Security Appliance for Oracle

With $6 trillion in damages from data breaches and other incidents estimated for 2021, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly critical way to protect your organization from authorized data access and entry. This means that IT-based security incidents will account for more damages to individuals and organizations than natural disasters and even exceeds the global volume of illegal drugs — effectively making cybersecurity one of the biggest threats facing your enterprise. Even so, only a small percentage of cybercrimes are actually reported, a fact which means the $6 trillion in damages may be dramatically underreported. This shocking IT security epidemic has caused industry leaders such as Oracle to look for new ways to secure information, such as their latest Key Vault 18.2 which is being touted as extremely secure and scalable while allowing configurations for a high-availability environment.

Consolidating Security and Infrastructure “Secrets”

When you consider all of the various areas where SSH keys, Java Keystores and Oracle Wallets of information are being stored throughout your network, it can be a rude awakening for business and technology leaders. As systems grow and evolve, it’s not unusual to find that these critical infrastructure “secrets” are being stored and distributed without the level of structure necessary to maintain exceptional security and compliance. With Oracle Key Vault 18.2, you can quickly and conveniently store this information securely in a master repository that also helps protect your overall network by limiting access of endpoints to no more than the information they require to perform their primary tasks. By segregating endpoints — one of the known weakest components of your network security — Oracle has created a system that has lessened the likelihood of a catastrophic attack. Lost or corrupted files can quickly be retrieved or replaced without causing additional issues throughout the network.

Active Management and Access Point Reporting

Understanding how and when access keys are being activated is a critical factor for tracking any weaknesses in your cybersecurity posture. With Oracle Key Vault 18.2, you can provision server endpoints and also gain a holistic view of key groups and key usage. Administrative functions are more easily handled through a direct command-line interface and RESTful interfaces can be engaged for on-premise or cloud-based deployments. In addition, Key Vault now includes options that allow for segregation of duties — separating audit functions from administrator roles, with the ability to grant more granular access to endpoints for specific users or user groups.

Ensuring that you have the correct Oracle solutions begins with a solid understanding of the unique needs of your business. The professionals at SoftArt are Oracle experts and will dig deep into your business requirements to uncover hidden needs where Oracle could add value to your business. With over 15 years of experience working with organizations of all sizes, SoftArt consultants have accumulated comprehensive Oracle knowledge over the years and take pride in providing proactive systems migrations, Oracle consulting and 24×7 support on a wide range of Oracle solutions. Contact our team at 866-477-4435 to schedule your free initial consultation or to learn more about Oracle’s new Key Vault 18.2 and how it could be leveraged within your organization.

Proactive Oracle Support

Are internal staff falling behind with critical support requests? The professionals at SoftArt are trained and qualified to provide implementation and ongoing support for the full Oracle suite. 

The complexity involved in today’s software solutions can cause forward momentum on projects to slow to a crawl, particularly if internal teams are attempting to divide their time between several high-priority initiatives. Protecting your sensitive business and customer data, securing your networks and business applications, and maintaining your infrastructure often take precedence over upgrades to existing platforms or bringing new Oracle components onboard. Fortunately, the professionals at SoftArt Solutions are available to provide access to Certified Oracle Champions with the skills and experience necessary to support your Oracle DB or applications upgrade, cloud migration, and more.

Oracle Solution Services Offered

Whether you need short-term staff augmentation or would like to outsource the entire project to our team, SoftArt Solutions can provide the qualified Oracle support professionals that will ensure your project’s success. A few of the solution services that we offer include:

Oracle Upgrades and Applying Software Patches

Protecting your corporation from data breaches and other cyber attacks begins with applying patches and upgrades promptly, but this can be problematic for some organizations. Even the most well-planning upgrades could potentially result in downtime, making it crucial to have on-the-ground support from knowledgeable professionals as you’re prepping for and completing these activities. Reduce the inconvenience of upgrades by working with Oracle experts from SoftArt Solutions, who are well-versed in quickly resolving any issues that might surface during upgrades or patching activities.

Oracle Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Solutions

Being able to thoroughly restore a trusted copy of your Oracle solutions from any location requires a robust backup and disaster recovery strategy that has been thoroughly vetted, tested, and hardened by security professionals. Creating this type of documentation does require an investment in time and effort, something that can be a struggle for internal teams to maintain. With support from the experts at SoftArt Solutions, your team will gain valuable insight into any potential issues that could reduce the availability or viability of backups while creating cohesive rules and requirements around your backup and disaster recovery strategies that will help ensure the continuity of business operations in the event of an incident.

Oracle Automation

Are your business processes fully optimized, or are your teams still engaged in manual activities daily? Reducing the variability of your customer experience and processes starts with smart automation solutions from Oracle and a team with a strong understanding of what is possible in terms of your Oracle solutions. When you take the time to prioritize these activities and focus on the items that will bring the highest business value for a discrete project, you might find it easier to gain buy-in for additional automation projects in the future. SoftArt Solutions consultants have the expertise needed to accurately scope and drive this type of change initiative, boosting productivity, and reducing staff time for repetitive tasks.

Oracle Cloud Migrations

Are you preparing to shift some (or all!) of your operations to the cloud? With the latest solutions from Oracle, organizations are seeing significant benefits from their Oracle cloud migration activities, such as a simplified workflow and heightened security options. While the results are positive, cloud migrations can also be difficult and time-consuming, resulting in unexpected downtime to critical business systems. Reduce the possibility of data loss and ensure that your operations are maintained by working with seasoned Oracle cloud migration professionals from SoftArt Solutions.

Oracle Application and Database Security Solutions

Compliance and data security are top-of-mind concerns for business and technology professionals alike, particularly when you are dealing with operational software from Oracle. The advanced database security solutions such as Sentri for Oracle EBS offer enhancements to your current security solutions that are specific to Oracle applications and databases. When you are storing sensitive data within your Oracle database, there is an added degree of confidence knowing that you have trusted and vetted Oracle solutions professionals available to help support your Oracle business applications.

Understanding the unique needs of your business takes time, and the Oracle Certified Champions have the knowledge and experience that will help make your next Oracle project a success. Contact our SoftArt Solutions experts at 866-477-4435 to schedule your free initial consultation and to see how we can help reduce costs, improve project speed, and allow your internal teams to refocus on vital initiatives that will help your company compete in the future. As active partners in the Oracle Applications & Technology User Group, SoftArt Solutions leaders have trained across a wide array of industries. They can help your teams maximize your Oracle investment.

Oracle Offers Hybrid Tools, Services for Easy Move to the Cloud

Oracle helps ease the transition to the cloud with hybrid services and technologies for businesses to migrate applications, critical data, and infrastructure.

For many businesses, a move to the cloud happens gradually. Oracle technologies and services help organizations migrate successfully by incorporating a hybrid-cloud methodology that eases the transition. What should you know about migrating your data, applications, and infrastructure to the cloud, and what tools does Oracle provide to assist you?

Understanding the Reasons for Migrating to the Oracle Cloud

Organizations choose to migrate to the cloud for a variety of reasons. In some cases, companies may lack the significant financial resources required to invest in IT infrastructure and choose a cloud model as a simpler and less costly option. By delivering services via the cloud, companies can allocate costs as part of ongoing operational budgets rather than one-time capital expenditures.

Computing via cloud also offers flexibility, allowing team members to access apps and data remotely and via nearly any connected device. The speed of deploying cloud-based services also enables organizations to adjust strategies quickly to meet changing customer needs.

Cloud implementations provide businesses with a common platform for fast, simple deployment of a variety of applications, management options, and types of data. As needed, cloud computing also offers organizations the ability to scale up or down as needed — without acquiring costly IT infrastructure.

Selecting the Right Oracle Cloud Support Provider

If your organization is planning a cloud transition, you’ll face some decision points when it comes to choosing a provider. For most businesses, a successful cloud strategy means an enhanced value that a comprehensive technology solution can deliver.

Your cloud provider should have a thorough understanding of the challenges your business faces — and the technological expertise to create a cloud implementation that includes the right infrastructure and applications to help your organization thrive.

A capable cloud provider can help you reduce your ongoing maintenance expenses by migrating all of your applications — and managing your new usage scenario with modern processes. While many providers can set up cloud infrastructure, they may lack the tools and skills to support integrated services and applications fully.

Before choosing a cloud provider, consider whether the organization understands the challenges inherent in running your vital systems and applications, and take a look at the provider’s history of reliability.

Estimating Costs

Moving your organization’s applications to the cloud may require significant alterations — not just to the applications themselves, but also to databases, documents, and adjacent tools. Such a move can result in unforeseen complexity and skyrocketing costs.

By working with the right cloud provider, you can develop an effective strategy for your move in advance, which can help keep costs in check and make use of previous IT investments when possible.

To help businesses develop a practical path for cloud migration, Oracle has created a Value Navigator that allows you to calculate potential benefits quickly. The calculator can aid you in estimating the current costs of your Oracle Database deployments along with comparing your current setup to similar functionality on Oracle Database Cloud.

Estimating the costs of a move to the cloud can prove challenging. A skilled cloud provider can assist you in determining the resources you’ll require to meet your company’s needs with a cloud deployment.

Using Oracle Tools for a Seamless Migration

Oracle offers services and technologies to help organizations successfully transition to the cloud. Recognizing that complex migrations don’t happen overnight, Oracle incorporates a hybrid-cloud strategy — with offerings like IaaS, DaaS, and SaaS using the same standards and tools, whether on-site or in a cloud deployment. With critical applications and technologies offered seamlessly in both environments, organizations can benefit from a simplified move of their infrastructure, data, and applications.

Also, Oracle eases the cloud transition with its Oracle Universal Credit Pricing program, which offers access to current and future Oracle services under one contract. The Bring Your Own License program also provides the opportunity to transfer on-site software licenses to cloud equivalents quickly.

As you begin the process of transitioning your organization to the cloud, Oracle tools and services can provide a cost-effective, hybrid model to make a move as painless as possible. New Jersey-based Oracle consulting company SoftArt Solutions can assist you as you build your cloud deployment. For more information, please contact us.

Top Five Reasons Why You Need to Hire an Oracle Database Expert In Washington DC

Why should you hire a consulting company to help with database administration? Here are the top five reasons why you need to hire an Oracle database expert in Washington DC.  

For most small or mid-size companies, outsourcing Oracle database administration just makes good business sense. After all, why spend money hiring someone in-house when you have the option of working with a professional as needed? Here are the top five reasons why you need to hire an Oracle database expert.

#1: Cost Savings Over Hiring an In-House DBA

Why outsource Oracle database administration duties versus hiring an in-house DBA? The most important reason is cost savings. Think about this for a moment. Instead of having to hire an expert, pay them for forty hours of work a week, and then provide benefits, you can simply have an outsourced provider ready for as much or as little as you need them. In many cases, this just makes the most sense.

#2: Access to a Professional When You Need Them

There’s no convenient time to have a computer or IT problem. For most businesses, system downtime equates to a loss of money, which isn’t good for anyone. By working with an outside Oracle database expert, you can rest assured that you have access to an on-call professional when you need them. Plus, if it is a major issue, they have likely already experienced a related problem in the past and can get your system running again as smoothly as possible.

#3: No Need to Stay Current on Training

Training staff is usually difficult in even the simplest of circumstances. Instead of allowing them to focus on the job they normally do, they’re forced to take time off and sit in a classroom or complete modules to learn the latest tips and tricks. When you hire an Oracle consultant, there is none of this. The expert you hire prides themselves on being up to date with the latest information and your employees don’t have to sit through another day or week of training. It is a win-win situation for all!

#4: Oracle Consultants Have Great Contacts with Support

Another reason to hire an outside Oracle expert is that they have great contacts with the official support team. Instead of guessing who you’re supposed to call when there’s a major issue with your database, your dedicated consultant has the contacts available from prior experience to help get the issue resolved as soon as possible. In certain circumstances, this can equate to a significantly less period of downtime and help keep issues to a bare minimum.

#5: Hiring an Oracle Consulting Company Based in the United States Helps Protect Your Data

This is in a way a side note, but we are specifically talking about hiring an American company for your Oracle database needs. Companies that provide Oracle database administration in the United States must uphold all legal privacy guidelines. Those that operate offshore or outsource do not, which can create conflicts if your company deals with certain sensitive information. Hiring a trusted consultant is paramount to protecting your business and your data.

Oracle Database Support In Washington DC

Are you looking for Oracle database administration in Washington DC? SoftArt Solutions provides quality services to clients all over the United States. Please contact us today to learn more.

5 Ways Oracle DBA Outsourcing Can Benefit Your Business

SoftArt Solutions discusses 5 benefits of outsourcing DBA tasks to a company providing fractional coverage to ensure database protection for corporations.  

Database administration (DBA) tasks consume vital time, money and human resources. To keep one running smoothly, it is important to have a full team of qualified technicians in a position to respond to database issues like human errors, cyberattacks and data breaches, power outages, database failure, and hardware breakdowns. While hiring a DBA may seem expensive, your database security is worth the investment to avoid the risk.

What Is Oracle DBA Outsourcing?

Outsourcing developed during the Industrial Revolution and became increasingly popular during the latter half of the 20th century. Business leaders began to see outsourcing as an invaluable tool to increase flexibility within the organization to allow for more core creativity and productivity. During the first two decades of the 21st century, the trend has gained more traction than ever. In 2018, for instance, the global market for outsourcing was worth $85.6 billion, according to Small Biz Genius.

The risk of a database failure and other problems with a database can result in one or a series of devastating impacts that include data breaches, operational losses, customer dissatisfaction, non-compliance fees, and penalties, and reputational damage. For this reason alone, businesses are increasingly reaching out to hire an outsourcing DBA. A third-party DBA allows your business to boost database security and reliability while devoting more time to core competencies.

Here are five ways outsourcing your DBA tasks can help your business flourish.

1. Handles Excess Work That Your Team Can’t

Databases have a tendency to become so complex that businesses need professional database capabilities. However, most organizations don’t need a full-time DBA. If your business is growing, and you find that your own database has grown beyond your current staffing capabilities, fractional coverage may solve your issues. With fractional DBA, you receive an allotted number of hours for work from a team of DBAs that have the precise expertise you need without hiring additional permanent staff members.

2. Saves a Lot of Money

The fact that you will not need to hire a new staff member automatically offers savings. However, you can enjoy more savings such as not adding operational and overhead costs. That means you do not need to invest in additional equipment and utilities used for new employees. The only new expenses incurred are those related to services rendered, and you can negotiate those fees with your third-party DBA.

3. Round-the-Clock Coverage That Includes Vacations and Holidays

With fractional DBA, you will not need to worry about annual competition for prime vacation and holiday leave among your in-house DBAs. A third-party DBA will cover nights, weekends, vacation time and holidays so your staff can have the time away from work they need to stay healthy, stress-free and happy. This benefit is important because one of the leading reasons that DBAs leave their positions is because of burnout. Reducing the burden on top talent helps foster well-being and less turnover.

4. Quick Response DBA Services

DBA outsourcing provides better system maintenance and customer service. With constant coverage from industry experts, you will experience fewer operational issues. Your fractional DBA team members are available to handle urgent issues like applying patches and responding to tickets or alerts.

5. Offers Access to DBA Experts and Specialists

Outsourcing DBA firms achieve and maintain contact with top experts and specialists in the industry. Any task you need your team to accomplish, your DBA contact can likely do. As fast-paced as technology moves today, it is sometimes difficult for your in-house team to keep up with the latest knowledge and skills needed for certain projects.

SoftArt Solutions follows best practices for Oracle Database Security on every implementation and project. Contact us for assistance with all Oracle Database tools. We are a trusted Oracle partner serving clients in New Jersey and throughout the United States.

Support Your Cloud Migration With The Help Of Oracle Consultants

Avoid messing up your cloud migration by getting help from a Rising Star Oracle consulting team. Reap the benefits of their experience and critical thinking.  

There’s nothing simple about migrating data and applications to Oracle cloud technology. You’ve got to think about storage capacity, mapping out where data goes in the new infrastructure, and decide which product offerings best suit the company culture. It pays to have people with the right background in Oracle technology guiding the process. Your choice of partner will be the difference-maker in a successful or disastrous outcome.

OATUG Star Partners participants represent some of the brightest minds working with Oracle technology. By bringing them on as consultants, organizations ensure their transition to Oracle Cloud technology rests in the best hands. Let’s look at five reasons why hiring a Rising Star Oracle consulting team would be the best move for your business’s cloud migration.

1. Develop a Strategic Approach to Cloud Technology Adoption

A complex IT infrastructure isn’t just a problem for large organizations. Many SMBs end up bogged down in the details of trying to work through transitioning multiple databases and business applications, not to mention the millions of lines of code to deal with. Many try to mitigate the complexity by merely duplicating their current process instead of taking advantage of all aspects of Cloud technology.

Rising Star Oracle consulting teams recognize the need to take everything apart to build something better. They account for different technology stacks, vendors, and the need for different pieces to interact with legacy company systems. That way, you come up with realistic short and long-term goals for implementing your ideal architecture while reinforcing best practices during each phase.

2. Enable Seamless Data Movement

The most critical piece of any cloud migration is enabling seamless back-and-forth transitions of information between a data center and cloud infrastructure. Your current applications maintain continued access to information needed by daily business users.

A Rising Star consulting team helps an organization accomplish this task with minimal disruption. They also help set up tools that make the data migration process easier and more streamlined.

3. Create a Complete Platform for Your Application Stack

One of the most difficult things about planning a cloud migration is making sure it’s built to support your current data and business applications. It should be flexible enough to expand and grow along with your company while still supporting the needs of current employees.

Proper construction of a new cloud platform keeps long-term maintenance costs low. A Rising Star Oracle consulting team also helps enable ongoing support through modern DevOps tools and processes. They understand how to integrate SaaS, DBaaS, and PaaS technology with your new Oracle platform.

4. Help You Understand the Costs Involved

Another critical mistake a lot of businesses make is underestimating the costs involved with cloud migrations. Organizations must account for any necessary changes to databases, tools, and applications. Overlooking an essential feature could lead to a miscalculation that causes long delays and further pushes out the timeline for recouping your investment.

Having an Oracle consulting partner on-hand is essential to getting a clearer estimate of your investment. Awareness of the true cost of their cloud transition helps companies make critical decisions and plan realistic implementation dates.

5. Promote Sound Data Back-up and Recovery Strategies

Rising Star Oracle Consulting teams help you implement best practices that keep you from being the victim of persistent data outages. Their experiences help you avoid extended downtimes by ensuring thorough testing of database changes and upgrades before moving them to the cloud infrastructure.

They also help create secure back-up processes to protect against data loss. It’s vital to a company’s future that they maintain access to critical business data in the event of a disaster.

Contact SoftArt Solutions if you need help finding an Oracle consulting and support team for your organization.

Oracle ERP Provides Effective Security Best Practices And Protocols

Oracle ERP helps to establish effective best practices that work to keep your sensitive information as secure as possible. 

When it comes to cloud ERP and security best practices, you need to be on top of your game. Not managing your system properly can lead to data breaches and break downs that damage both your files as well as your reputation. Establishing best practices and security protocols prevents sensitive information from being stolen and used inappropriately. It will protect your reputation and allow your business to maintain its image as a leader in its field.

Immediate Installation of Software Updates

Allowing ERP providers to immediately install software updates and patches once they are identified is one of the most effective ways to keep your company’s sensitive information secure and protected. In the past, updates were sporadic at best, but now company’s have the option of installing them on their own or allowing ERP provides immediate access to install them as they become available.

Establish a Strategy for Both Governance and Security

With advancements in technology, it’s important that everyone in the company or organization be responsible for maintaining security protocols and best practices. With more people having access to sensitive information, it’s essential that they also be responsible for security protocols to ensure every step of the process is protected. With everyone having access to the right security protocols, the risk of a data breach is dramatically reduced.

Integration Protocols Must Be Secure

Even though customization is limited, Cloud ERP allows you to be more flexible when it comes to integrating several applications. This gives you an opportunity to build one, unified system in which you can secure information as it passes from one application to another. Cloud ERP reduces your overall vulnerability and strengthens encryptions so that it is harder for hackers to break in and damage your system.

IOT Security Must Be Guaranteed

IoT devices make other devices connected to the internet more vulnerable to cyberattacks. By installing a platform that manages the connections between IoT and other internet-enabled devices, you can further secure your information, limiting a hacker’s ability to gain access. Integrating both IoT and Cloud ERP adds a layer of security that protects your information as it travels from one destination to another, no matter what device is connected.

Evaluate Capabilities That Involve Disaster Recovery

It’s essential that you are able to restore your system if a breach does occur. Evaluating your disaster recovery services is essential if you want to ensure that you are fully protected if some type of loss occurs. You must have a Recovery Point in place as well as a pre-determined Recovery Time. Your recovery time will set the amount of time an application can be inactive before permanent damage occurs. The Recovery Point determines what information has been properly backed up and secured. This will set your “loss tolerance”.

Manage Your Global Access

When using an Oracle ERP, it’s essential that you be able to access your system on a global level. It’s also essential that you maintain direct control of who has access to your system and to what degree. When a centralized system is used, you are able to manage who has the security protocols to gain access. Individuals who are not authorized will have minimal if any, access. This protects your important data and minimizes the threat of a breach. Security protocols are put in place according to the individual’s need to know. Having authentication protocols in place will allow you to maintain access to your system from anywhere in the world, while still offering the highest level of security.

Your security best practices should be able to protect all aspects of your data, including your cloud ERP, IoT, and other systems that are connected by the internet. Understanding how cyberattacks occur and how hackers gain access to your information is important if you truly want to understand how to maintain a high level of security. Having this information also allows you to fine-tune your system and establish protocols that continue to work as long as the information moves from one destination to another.

Use These Helpful Tips to Reduce Frustration and Safely Moving Your Oracle Database to Oracle Cloud

Take the guesswork out of your next Oracle Cloud migration with these useful guidelines. Learn how to smoothly transition your onsite Oracle database.  

Migrating an Oracle database instance over to Oracle Cloud does not have to be an arduous undertaking as a DBA. The key to getting things right is following some Oracle migration best practices when it comes to moving your information. You can solve 70 percent of your problems by thinking through your challenges beforehand. Laying things out at the start helps you pick the correct Oracle Cloud migration method for your business scenario.

How Do I Conduct My Oracle Cloud Migration Prep Work?

Look at the characteristics of your current Oracle database and make sure they match up to your Cloud destination settings.

Other important considerations for Oracle migration best practices include:

  1. Whether your on-premise Oracle database is a multitenant container database (CBD) or a non-CBD.
  2. The Endian format of your current on-site database (big or little)
  3. What database character set your on-premise database uses compared to the one used in Oracle Cloud.

Go through the different connection options available for your Oracle Cloud migration, including FastConnectVPN Connect, and Internet Gateway. Understanding how they work helps you in securing your Oracle Cloud database instance and preventing data corruption.

What Are the Different Oracle Database Migration Methods?

Let’s go over the various migration options available as you consider Oracle migration best practices.

The Data Pump Import/Export Transportable Method

The traditional import/export data pump method allows for high-speed movement of data and metadata from your current Oracle cloud database to the cloud. It provides many features, including the ability to import and export over a network, restart jobs as needed, and estimate the space required for export before performing the task.

One of the benefits of using the traditional data pump import/export is that it works regardless of your current endian format and database character set. However, it’s slower than some of the other transport processes.

Using Transportable Tablespaces

Oracle made transportable tablespaces available in 8i instances and higher. You can use them to help with migrations across different OS platforms. The only steps necessary are moving the datafile and associated metadata. Oracle instances of 9i or higher do not have to be of the same block size as your destination Cloud database.

If the Endian format of your current Oracle instances matches that of your cloud database, then you can proceed without performing a conversion. The transportable tablespace method is best when you have a little-endian Oracle database instance with a comparable Oracle Cloud database.

The Backup Service Method

The latest version of Oracle Cloud provides a database backup service for creating and backing up cloud database from your on-site instances with one click. You can use the service for different scenarios like disaster recovery and creating development and test environments using your production backup.

The Multitenant Feature

The rollout of Oracle 12c gave organizations access to the multitenant architecture for their databases. Multiple oracle instances could be grouped into a single multitenant container database. That made it easier for DBAs to patch, upgrade, and manage all databases as one unit.

Oracle Cloud takes advantage of the multitenant feature by allowing DBAs to move their local pluggable database (PDB) straight into Oracle Cloud from Oracle SQL Developer. The only requirement is that the PDB and Oracle SQL Developer be in the same instance. It’s also great for seamlessly moving development and test instances of a database directly to the cloud.

How do I Address Security Concerns Around Migrating?

Make sure you implement proper protocol during and after your data migration. There should be authentication around user access to any database instances using strong passwords.

Additional Security Protections

Following these Oracle migration best practices should allow for streamlined configuration and monitoring of your new cloud databases. It should be the same as working with an onsite Oracle database instance. Contact SoftArt for more tips on working with Oracle Cloud.

Find an Oracle Consulting Firm that’s Mastered Oracle 2020 Changes and Updates

SoftArt Solutions is an Oracle Database consulting firm. Our IT professionals stay on top of the latest Oracle Database innovations so that we can help our clients implement them efficiently. 

If your company is an Oracle shop, you probably have seen vast changes in the software. Going back to 2004, the traditional DBA tasks included manually applying patches, fine-tuning queries, and stored procedures and replicating changes across many environments. Not all of the innovations you’ll see in 2020 are brand new. The company has been revamping its look and functionality for over a decade.

How Is the New Architecture a Throwback to the 1970s?

Now, all Oracle access comes via Internet Appliances, based on access architecture similar to the 1970s when dumb terminals displayed data from central mainframes, where all the brainwork happened. Of course, high-speed networks transmit data with lightning speed from a master location to your monitor. Spreadsheets, word processing, and databases are increasingly accessed via virtual space.

How Has Cloud Computing Changes the Oracle User Experience?

Thanks to the reliability of cloud computing, more and more companies are deciding to forego their servers and on-premise data management. This disruptive model can save your company millions of dollars over time. Vendors can instantly transmit patches and upgrades with zero downtime. Also, it eliminates software piracy as updates are made real-time without impacting virtual users.

What SQL Changes Can You Expect?

Depending on how old your Oracle ecosystem is, you may be using different versions of SQL. Starting with SQL-09, the query language became greatly simplified from previous versions. The familiar FROM and GROUP BY clauses became a thing of the past and SQL-09 added features to support artificial intelligence and natural language programming when pulling data from Oracle databases.

What Other Innovations Have Developed?

Oracle’s cost-based SQL optimizer (CBO) is an ingenious tool that evaluates the efficiency of every query. The CBO is one of the most sophisticated software components ever created. After it evaluates the SQL statement, it generates the best possible execution plan.

You will also find that all Oracle modules can be accessed on the Web. A single copy of the software’s executable is directly accessed from Oracle’s data center in Redwood Shores. This ensures one source when it comes to the official copies of hundreds of programs.

Solid-State Oracle Database

Oracle introduced disk-less databases in 2015 with its 16ss release. With the innovation of solid-state architecture, SGA RAM disappeared. A new scheme emerged that managed locks and latches within data blocks. This made it possible to access all data in nanoseconds, without caching it first. In fact, 16ss could process a million transactions per second; it was the first commercial database to do so.

When Did Oracle Add a Temporal Dimension?

Oracle 17-3d added a temporal dimension. This lets the company resurrect the flashback function, which lets users view Oracle databases as dynamic objects. Changes to a database are available in real-time.

SoftArt Solutions is an Oracle Database consulting firm. Our IT professionals stay on top of the latest Oracle 2020 innovations so that we can help our clients implement them efficiently. Contact us today to set up an initial evaluation of your system.